Many of our users ask the question, “How to remove the comment form”? To remove disable or turn off comment form you do not have to edit the theme files. There are two ways to turn off comment from your website or pages or posts.

1. Turn of comment globally.
2. Turn of comment on individual pages/posts.

Turn Off Comment Globally :

Turning off comment globally will disable comment on your website, all posts and pages added there after will have no comment form. But still you can turn on comments on individual page or post, we will come to that in next section.

To turn comment globally go to “Settings” > “Discussion” > “Default article settings” in your dashboard. Find the checkbox option “Allow people to post comments on new articles” and uncheck it.


Turn Off Comment On individual Page or Post :

To turn off comment on individual page or post, go to edit post/page screen, find the tab “Screen Options” on right top. Once you open the Screen options panel, locate the options “Discussion” and check it. This will add “Discussion” panel bellow the text editor with options to turn on/off comment. Once you turn on/off any option in “Screen Options”, it will remains in the same state for every time you add/edit pages or posts.



Scroll down bellow the editor and find the section “Discussion” and uncheck option “Allow comments”.


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