Jarrah -  Free WordPress theme

Jarrah - Free WordPress theme

After having a busy week, I had some time to work on Jarrah to fix few bugs and add new features based on your feedbacks.

New features are:

  1. An optional welcome or contact message box on right sidebar, which can be activated from the admin panel theme option.
  2. Categorized Links, previously all links used to come under “Blogroll”. Thanks to michael cohen for his comment.

Bug fixes:

  1. If you have a long site name or site tagline, it breaks into 2 lines and goes bellow the top navigation bar. Now it will have some height flexibility to accommodate 2 lines.
  2. On having large right aligned or left aligned images without much text to wrap around, they used to overlap the meta info bar (tags, comments, read more bar).

I had very little time to test the new updates in all browsers. Please keep your feedback coming. You can download the latest version Jarrah 1.6 here till it is verified and updated on wordpress.org.

I will try to release a new clean, corporate theme next week, keep visiting.

Download and Demo : http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/jarrah

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46 thoughts on “WordPress Theme Jarrah Version 1.6 Released

      1. Hi again.

        May I make two suggestions? I would love to have

        a) a different format for the hyperlinks (e.g. underlinded (and couldn’t figure out how to do this myself); the different color alone makes it difficult for some people to understand they can actually click on it) and

        b) an option for tailormade “excerpts”: my posts have become quite long, and I think it would be easier for my readers to get an idea of the overall content if they see the excerpts with the photos plus maybe the first 20 lines of text.

        Thank you for considering this and have a great day!


  1. I am curious – I would like to use a png logo in the header instead of the WP title… what is the easiest way to implement this into the site? Thanks – I like the theme.

    1. Use CSS to use the logo as background of the <h1><a> tag

      or you can directly replace the site name (bloginfo..) from header.php and call the logo as image.

  2. RFE: could “No Tags” display as null? (I don’t often tag items, concentrating on categoriess instead.)

    p.s. looks great under FF2 … I appreciate that. 😉
    p.s.2 I think I’m going to tweak it was custom CSS when displaying a single post, so it’s a dark font on a light background. Default is fine for homepage, though.

  3. @marsian Ah, if it were that simple! Changing it to echo “”; wrecked the alignment. [1] Changing it to echo ” “; left the lovely little tag image dangling there without any text. [2] So neither really works.

    But why I came by is this: I’m intent on having dark text font on light BG, so did a fast stab and was gratified with this first step. [3]
    Nice robust design!
    All I did was copy the wrapper for the right sidebar and stick it within “postwrap”!
    So … do have that form, but expanding the color palette. I’m going to keep hacking at it but I suspect (if you feel so inclined) you could implement this a lot faster.


    From liveblog: 1) http://bentrem.sycks.net/images/gnodal-jarrah-1.jpg
    2) http://bentrem.sycks.net/images/gnodal-jarrah-2.jpg

    From hacked local copy:
    3) http://bentrem.sycks.net/images/gnodal-jarrah.jpg

  4. *delete previous; corrected version below*

    Here’s what I managed as alt CSS for Page:
    Do you think that’s worth doing?

    But actually I had to touch that up. For some reason I couldn’t get top and bottom border to display, so ended up with this:

    That’s where we differ: I copy/paste while you’re actually a coder.

  5. Keep tweaking to get the desired result. we all do the same way :). if anything goes wrong, you can always download a fresh copy.

  6. Having an issue with the sidebar widget. Notice on my tonyzeoli.com that the three columns occupy the sidebar. When I tried to reset the sidebar widget from the admin, they won\’t go back to their regular setting for some reason.

    1. There is an extra <div class="sidebarbox"> tag in your authdescription widget. not sure how it came there. try removing that widget, you will see different look.

  7. Would you like the code to disable the “title on mouseover” in the navigation? I’ve implemented it into your theme for my site.

    1. Link titles are design drawback, that comes out like tool tip in some browsers but still some people probably might like to keep them for SEO purpose.

  8. I take it back! I realised you just have to re-add the categories, meta and links etc.. silly me!!

    Once again, a truly beautiful theme! I love it!

  9. This time I do have a relevant question.. How can I get other widgets to use the lovely blue H2 title like Categories? ^_^ I don’t really understand why it doesn’t do it any way considering they’re both h2.widgettitle… =/


    1. There will be a css class like div.widget-cat h4 you will have to add the class in css with a comma

  10. How does one remove the sidebar from certain pages like my gallery, etc?

    Thanks for creating this great template!

    1. If your gallery plugin supports separate template file, then you need to create a page with single column and add some css tweaks. i will try to add single column layout option in coming versions.

    1. There is a extra “</div>” in your post, it is here “…lo más probable es que acabe dejando constancia escrita de ello.</div>” causing the left column to end at wrong place, hopefully if you remove the extra </div> the page should look ok.

  11. hi i am using your template, very nice indeed. however the lavalamp menu doesnt seem to recognize any posts i make. the blue cursor just sits in the left corner whenever i open a post. any other menu option works fine. did i miss something? thanks

  12. Hey great theme we are going to use it. We are going to change some things slightly but it is very nice.

    I have a question though and maybe the theme does not control this. In the menu navigation there is the “Home” page how can i change the name of this to “Blog Home”? thanks!

    1. Find <a href="<?php bloginfo(‘url’); ?>">Home</a> in header.php and change “Home” to anything you want.

  13. Marsian, not sure if you have seen my earlier entry:

    May I make two suggestions? I would love to have

    a) a different format for the hyperlinks (e.g. underlinded (and couldn’t figure out how to do this myself); the different color alone makes it difficult for some people to understand they can actually click on it) and

    b) an option for tailormade “excerpts”: my posts have become quite long, and I think it would be easier for my readers to get an idea of the overall content if they see the excerpts with the photos plus maybe the first 20 lines of text.

    Thank you for considering this and have a great day!


    1. Hi Dr. G , yes i saw your earlier entry. i will write an article on how to add “Read more” link in your post and how to change the Hyperlink text colors and decorations. I will try to publish it tonight.

      1. Hi I was wondering if there will be an article on hyperlink text colors. Even better I think would be an option to set them. Currently I’m just inserting color values with the html in posts.

        I was searching for a theme that matched as well as possible this sort of thing ..

        Your theme matched pretty well, thanks and good luck with developments.

  14. Hi Marsian,

    First off – just like to thank you for the great theme!! I’m now with wordpress so its a big change not having to manually manage a site.

    I’m wondering if you ever found a fix for the Blue cursor being at the left hand side for pages that are Sub pages and do not have a parent on the menu bar.



  15. Nice Theme, but the latest Jarrah v1.7 seems to conflict massively with easyfancybox plugin, probably because of the “lava lamp” menu bubbles, since other conf.icts have been caused by them as well.

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